LD 1436
pg. 9
Page 8 of 13 An Act To Encourage a Vote-by-Mail System in Maine Page 10 of 13
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LR 266
Item 1

of the voter's having properly obtained assistance under
either section 753-A, subsection5, or section 754-A,
subsection 3, or both, then the clerk shall note the
discrepancy on the return envelope, but shall also write "OK"
and the clerk's initials on the return envelope.

3. Application attached. The clerk shall attach each
application, where required, to the corresponding envelope. He
shall not open any return envelope.

5. Envelopes and lists delivered. On election day, the clerk
shall deliver or have delivered the return envelopes prescribed
by section 752, subsection 3, with the applications, when
required, attached and a copy of the list required by section
753-B, subsection 6, to the warden of the voting district in
which the voter is registered, except in those municipalities
where the clerk or the clerk's designee processes the absentee
ballots centrally. In those municipalities where the absentee
ballots are processed centrally, the clerk shall deliver or have
delivered the materials described in this subsection to the
person authorized by the clerk to process absentee ballots at the
designated central location. After processing the absentee
ballots, the warden or the clerk shall attach the copy of the
list of absentee voters to the incoming voting list and seal it
as provided in section 698.

6. Procedure when duplicate envelopes received from same
voter. If more than one return envelope is received from the
same voter who was authorized to receive a 2nd state absentee
ballot pursuant to section 753-B, then the clerk or warden shall
process and count the ballot from the envelope marked "second
ballot issued" or bearing the latest date and time and shall
reject and keep sealed the first absentee envelope. If more than
one return envelope is received from the same voter who was not
authorized to receive a 2nd state absentee ballot pursuant to
section 753-B, then the clerk or warden shall process and count
the ballot from the envelope bearing the earliest date and time.
If only one return envelope is received from a voter who was
authorized to receive a 2nd state absentee ballot pursuant to
section 753-B, then the clerk or warden shall process and count
that ballot for all offices or questions for which the voter was
entitled to vote.

Sec. 7. 21-A MRSA §759, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 459, §76,
is further amended to read:

1. Warden to review notes of clerk. Unless a request to
inspect applications and envelopes is made pursuant to subsection
8, the warden shall review the notes of the clerk on each return
envelope according to the schedule posted under subsection 7.

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