LD 1437
pg. 10
Page 9 of 11 An Act To Broaden the Sales Tax Base and Lower the Sales and Use Tax and Servic... Page 11 of 11
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LR 156
Item 1

G. Private nonmedical institution services.;

H.__Personal appearance services;

I.__Apparel services;

J.__Business and legal services;

K.__Amusement and recreation services;

L.__Health services;

M.__Education services;

N.__Social and organization services;

O.__Financial services;

P.__Professional, scientific and technical services;

Q.__Administrative and support services;

R.__Information services;

S.__Transportation and warehousing services;

T.__Construction services; and

U.__Management and enterprise services.

Sec. 94. 36 MRSA §2557, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. V,
§25 and affected by §29, is amended to read:

1. Exemptions by constitutional provisions. Sales that this
State is prohibited from taxing under the constitution or laws of
the United States or under the constitution of this State; and

Sec. 95. 36 MRSA §2557, sub-§§2 to 29, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673,
Pt. V, §25 and affected by §29, are repealed.

Sec. 96. Revisor's review; cross-references. The Revisor of Statutes shall
review the Maine Revised Statutes and include in the errors and
inconsistencies bill submitted to the Second Regular Session of
the 122nd Legislature pursuant to Title 1, section 94 any
sections necessary to correct and update any cross-references in
the statutes to provisions of law repealed in this Act.

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