LD 1448
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act To Stabilize and Strengthen the MaineCare Program Page 6 of 7
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LR 1954
Item 1

B. Coordinate eligibility for the elderly low-cost drug
program with eligibility for the federal Medicare program to
ensure that persons eligible for the elderly low-cost drug
program who are eligible for Medicare Part D benefits do not
incur any loss of benefits as compared to other persons
receiving benefits under the elderly low-cost drug program or
cost sharing above what they would be required to pay under
the elderly low-cost drug program; and

C. Coordinate eligibility for the MaineCare program with
eligibility for the federal Medicare program to ensure that
MaineCare members who are eligible for Medicare Part D
benefits do not incur any loss of benefits as compared to
other MaineCare members or cost sharing above what they
would otherwise be required to pay in the MaineCare program.

Sec. C-3. Interest on delinquent rebates. By October 15, 2005 the
Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt procedures to
ensure the assessment and collection within the MaineCare program
under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, chapter 855 and the
elderly low-cost drug program under Title 22, section 254 of an
appropriate rate of interest on drug rebate amounts that are late
in payment to the department from the responsible manufacturer of
prescription drugs.


Sec. D-1. 22 MRSA §3174-HH is enacted to read:

§3174-HH.__Maximization of veterans' benefits

The department shall conduct a review of__benefits available
to veterans and their spouses and dependents and shall adopt
procedures to provide information to potentially eligible
veterans and their spouses and dependents and to maximize
veterans' benefits.__The department shall undertake the following

1.__Determination of possible eligibility.__The department
shall determine the possible eligibility for federally funded
health benefits of veterans, their spouses and dependents who are
applicants for or members in the MaineCare program under this
chapter or who are applicants for or who receive benefits under
the elderly low-cost drug program under section 254. For those
veterans and their spouses and dependents whom the department
determines to be possibly eligible for federally funded health
benefits, the department shall provide information on those

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