LD 1452
pg. 1
LD 1452 Title Page Resolve, Promoting the Consumption of Maine Farm Products at the State House Co... LD 1452 Title Page
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Item 1

Sec. 1. State House complex; events. Resolved: That the Legislative
Council shall develop guidelines outlining the requirements that
outside groups shall follow when hosting an event for Legislators
in the Hall of Flags or elsewhere in the State House complex.
The guidelines must include a requirement that Maine-grown foods
must be used to the maximum extent practicable; and be it further

Sec. 2. Cross Cafe; menu selection. Resolved: That the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services shall work with the manager
of the Cross Cafe to develop a plan for incorporating more Maine-
grown foods in the cafe's menu selections. The possibility of a
daily Maine-made feature should be considered when developing the
plan; and be it further

Sec. 3. Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources. Resolved: That the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall provide
assistance to vendors or caterers serving food in the State House
complex and the manager of the Cross Cafe in helping them to
identify and to access Maine-grown products.


This resolve requires vendors that provide food in the State
House complex and the Cross Cafe to use Maine-grown products
whenever possible when preparing the food. The resolve also
requires the Department of Administrative and Financial Services
and the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to
assist the vendors and the Cross Cafe in identifying and
accessing Maine grown products.

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