LD 1453
pg. 1
LD 1453 Title Page Resolve, To Improve Public Safety, Enhance Local Communities and Reduce Transpo... LD 1453 Title Page
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LR 1923
Item 1

Sec. 1. Management plan. Resolved: That the Department of
Transportation shall establish a committee, referred to in this
resolve as "the committee," within the department to develop a
management plan for heavyweight trucks traveling on Maine roads
north of Augusta other than Interstate 95 due to the 80,000-pound
weight limit on that highway. The committee must include one
Senator appointed by the President of the Senate and 2
Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House.
Legislators are not entitled to receive the legislative per diem,
as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2; and
be it further

Sec. 2. Plan goal. Resolved: That the goal of the plan developed
pursuant to section 1 is to reduce negative effects of
heavyweight trucks on road maintenance, public safety and
community character, with emphasis on the Route 9 corridor from
Augusta to Bangor, until the 80,000-pound weight limit on
Interstate 95 is raised; and be it further

Sec. 3. Plan strategies. Resolved: That in developing the plan the
committee shall consider a number of management strategies,
including but not limited to:

1. Limiting all through-traffic heavyweight trucks to certain
state highways, or restricting the hours during which trucks may
operate, in order to reduce community disruptions, improve public
safety and reduce or eliminate truck traffic that bisects
important natural habitat areas designated by the Department of
Conservation; and

2. Increasing penalties for heavyweight trucks that violate
traffic laws; and be it further

Sec. 4. Report. Resolved: That the committee shall present the
completed plan to the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation
for review and comment by February 1, 2006.


This resolve directs the Department of Transportation to
establish a committee within the department to develop a
management plan for heavyweight trucks traveling on Maine roads
north of Augusta due to the 80,000-pound weight limit on
Interstate 95.

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