LD 1468
pg. 1
LD 1468 Title Page An Act To Protect the Public from Secondhand Smoke LD 1468 Title Page
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LR 1683
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §§1580-E and 1580-F are enacted to read:

§1580-E.__Health care facility

1.__Prohibition.__A person may not smoke within 20 feet of the
entrance or the exit of a health care facility.__For the purposes
of this section, "health care facility" has the same meaning as
in section 8702, subsection 4.

2.__Penalty.__A person who violates subsection 1 commits a
civil violation for which a fine of not more than $100 may be
adjudged for a first offense and a fine of not more than $200 may
be adjudged for a 2nd or subsequent offense.

§1580-F.__Smoking in vehicles

1.__Prohibition.__A person may not smoke in a private vehicle
and may not allow any other person to smoke in the private
vehicle when a person under 18 years of age is in the private

2.__Penalty.__A person who violates section 1 commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not more than $100 may be adjudged
for a first offense and a fine of not more than $200 may be
adjudged for a 2nd or subsequent offense.


This bill prohibits smoking within 20 feet of the entrance or
exit of a health care facility. The bill also prohibits smoking
in a private vehicle when a child under 18 years of age is in the

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