LD 1473
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Strengthen the Animal Welfare Laws Page 5 of 5
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LR 310
Item 1

program developed by the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources pursuant to Title 7, section 3902 if that person
falsely pretends to be a humane agent or employee of the animal
welfare program and engages in any conduct in that capacity with
the intent to deceive anyone.

2.__Office nonexistent.__It is not a defense to prosecution
under this section that the office the person pretended to hold
did not in fact exist.

3.__Violation.__A violation of this section is a Class D

Sec. 13. 17 MRSA §1031, sub-§3-B, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__If the State pleads and proves that an animal died as a
result of abandonment, the defendant is guilty of a Class C

Sec. 14. 17 MRSA §§1038 and 1039 are enacted to read:

§1038.__Abandoned animals

1.__Animal cruelty.__A person who has possession or control of
an animal and who abandons that animal on a street, road or
highway, in a parking lot or in a public place or on private
property, in an abandoned motor vehicle or in a dwelling or any
other building or structure without providing for the care and
necessities of life of that animal is guilty of the offense of
cruelty to animals as provided in section 1031.

2.__Abandoned animal.__An animal is considered abandoned if
the animal is placed in the custody of a licensed veterinarian
for treatment, boarding or other care or in a licensed kennel,
licensed boarding facility, licensed animal shelter, animal
grooming facility or licensed animal day-care center and is
unclaimed by the animal's owner or the owner's agent for a period
of more than 10 days after written notice is sent by the facility
by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
owner or the owner's agent at the owner's last known address.__
Proof of attempted delivery constitutes sufficient notice.

3.__Disposal.__The disposal of an abandoned animal under this
section does not relieve the owner, keeper or agent of the animal
of any financial obligation, including, but not limited to, costs
incurred for treatment, boarding or care.

4.__Violation.__A violation of this section is a Class D
crime.__In addition to the penalties provided in Title 17-A,

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