LD 1474
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Require That Corporations Be Operated in a Manner That Does Not Adver... LD 1474 Title Page
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Item 1

welfare of the communities in which the corporation operates
or the dignity of its employees.


This bill imposes a duty on directors and officers of a
corporation formed under the laws of the State to act in a manner
that is not injurious to the environment, human rights, public
health or safety, the welfare of the communities in which the
corporation operates or the dignity of the corporation's

Under this bill, if 25 other states enact similar legislation
and if the consolidated annual revenues of a corporation exceed
$15,000,000, that corporation, its officers and its directors may
be held liable for damages resulting from actions that cause
damage to the public interest.

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