LD 1479
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Ensure Systematic Reporting of Abortions Page 5 of 5
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LR 1831
Item 1

more than 60 days after such an encounter.__Unacceptable delay
or failure to submit an induced abortion complication report
form must be sanctioned according to the penalties imposed by
this section.

4.__Time.__The following provisions govern deadlines for
reporting forms and public reports.

A.__A physician performing an abortion or treating a patient
in connection with an abortion shall complete and submit a
reporting form pursuant to subsection 2 to the department no
later than April 1st for abortions performed or conditions
relating to abortions treated in the previous calendar year.

B.__By July 1st of each year, the department shall issue a
public report providing the same detailed information
required in the reporting forms and the induced abortion
complication report forms.__The public report must cover the
entire previous calendar year and must be compiled from the
data in all the reporting forms and the induced abortion
complication report forms submitted to the department in
accordance with this section.__Each such public report must
also provide such detailed information for all previous
calendar years, adjusted to reflect any additional
information from late or corrected reports.__The department
shall take care to ensure that none of the information
included in the public reports could reasonably lead to
identification of any physician who performed an abortion or
treated a patient in connection with an abortion or of any
mother who has had an abortion.

C.__The department may, by routine technical rules adopted
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A, alter the
dates established by paragraphs A and B for administrative
convenience or fiscal savings or other valid reason, as long
as physicians performing induced abortions submit a
reporting form once a year and the department issues its
public report once a year.

5.__Enforcement.__The following provisions govern the
enforcement of this section.

A.__A physician who fails to submit a reporting form as required
under subsection 2 or an induced abortion complication report
form as required under subsection 3 more than 30 days following a
due date under subsection 3 or 4 is subject to a late fee of $500
for each additional 30-day period that the form is overdue.__A
physician required to report in accordance with this section who
has not submitted a form, or who has submitted an incomplete
form, more than

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