LD 1480
pg. 13
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LR 2134
Item 1

The Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration within
the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation may
establish by rule fees for purposes authorized under this chapter
in amounts that are reasonable and necessary for their respective
purposes, except that the fee for any one purpose may not exceed
$350.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.


Sec. D-1. 32 MRSA §14012, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 185, §5,
is repealed.

Sec. D-2. 32 MRSA §14012-A is enacted to read:


The Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration
within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
may establish by rule fees for purposes authorized under this
chapter in amounts that are reasonable and necessary for their
respective purposes, except that the fee for any one purpose may
not exceed $450.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Sec. D-3. 32 MRSA §14021, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 185, §5,
is amended to read:

1. Application. The applicant must submit a properly
completed application on forms furnished by the board, together
with the prescribed a required fee as set under section 14012-A.

Sec. D-4. 32 MRSA §14025, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 185, §5, is
amended to read:

§14025. License renewal

Licenses expire biennially on December 31st or on such other
date as the commissioner determines A license expires on the date
set by the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation
pursuant to Title 10, section 8003, subsection 4 for the
licensing period for which the license was issued. The board
shall issue a renewal license for each ensuing biennial licensing
period in the absence of any reason or condition that might
warrant the refusal of granting to grant a license, upon receipt
by the board of the written request of the applicant, and the

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