LD 1500
pg. 10
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LR 589
Item 1

4-C.__Electronic filing.__Beginning January 1, 2006, state
party committees shall file each report required by this section
through an electronic filing system developed by the commission.__
The commission may make an exception to this electronic filing
requirement if a party committee submits a written request that
states that the party committee lacks access to the technology or
the technological ability to file reports electronically.__The
request for an exception must be submitted by March 1st of the
election year.__The commission shall grant all reasonable
requests for exceptions.

Sec. 20. 21-A MRSA §1019-B, sub-§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 448,
§3, is amended to read:

B. Is presumed in races involving a candidate who is
certified as a Maine Clean Election Act candidate under
section 1125, subsection 5 to be any expenditure made to
design, produce or disseminate a communication that names or
depicts a clearly identified candidate and is disseminated
during the 21 30 days, including election day, before a
primary election; the 21 30 days, including election day,
before a general election; or during a special election
until and on election day.

Sec. 21. 21-A MRSA §1052, sub-§4, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161,
§6, is amended to read:

B. Does not include:

(1) Any news story, commentary or editorial distributed
through the facilities of any broadcasting station,
newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication,
unless these facilities are owned or controlled by any
political party, political committee or candidate;

(2) Nonpartisan activity Activity designed to encourage
individuals to register to vote or to vote, if that
activity or communication does not mention a clearly
identified candidate;

(3) Any communication by any membership organization or
corporation to its members or stockholders, if that
membership organization or corporation is not organized
primarily for the purpose of influencing the nomination
or election of any person to state or county office;

(4) The use of real or personal property and the cost of
invitations, food and beverages, voluntarily provided by a
political action committee in rendering

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