LD 1500
pg. 14
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LR 589
Item 1

The commission shall certify a candidate complying with the
requirements of this section as a Maine Clean Election Act
candidate as soon as possible and no later than 3 business days
after final submittal of qualifying contributions.

Upon certification, a candidate must transfer to the fund any
unspent seed money contributions. A certified candidate must
comply with all requirements of this Act after certification and
throughout the primary and general election periods. Failure to
do so is a violation of this chapter.

Sec. 30. 21-A MRSA §1125, sub-§6, as enacted by IB 1995, c. 1, §17, is
amended to read:

6. Restrictions on contributions and expenditures for
certified candidates. After certification, a candidate must
limit the candidate's campaign expenditures and obligations,
including outstanding obligations, to the revenues distributed to
the candidate from the fund and may not accept any contributions
unless specifically authorized by the commission. Candidates may
also accept and spend interest earned on bank accounts. All
revenues distributed to certified candidates from the fund must
be used for campaign-related purposes. The commission shall
publish guidelines outlining permissible campaign-related

Sec. 31. 21-A MRSA §1125, sub-§14, as enacted by IB 1995, c. 1, §17,
is amended to read:

14. Appeals. A candidate who has been denied certification
as a Maine Clean Election Act candidate or, the opponent of a
candidate who has been granted certification as a Maine Clean
Election Act candidate or other interested persons may challenge
a certification decision by the commission as follows.

A. A challenger may appeal to the full commission within 3
7 days of the certification decision. The appeal must be in
writing and must set forth the reasons for the appeal.

B. Within 5 days after an appeal is properly made and after
notice is given to the challenger and any opponent, the
commission shall hold a hearing. The appellant has the
burden of providing evidence to demonstrate that the
commission decision was improper. The commission must rule
on the appeal within 3 days after the completion of the

C. A challenger may appeal the decision of the commission in
paragraph B by commencing an action in Superior Court

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