LD 1500
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LR 589
Item 1

D.__The content of the communication is limited to:

(1)__The identification of each candidate, with which
pictures may be used;

(2)__The offices sought;

(3)__The offices currently held by the candidates;

(4)__The party affiliation of the candidates and a
brief statement about the party or the candidates'
positions, philosophy, goals, accomplishments or

(5)__Encouragement to vote for the candidates
identified; and

(6)__Information about voting, such as voting hours and

If the communication contains language outside the
categories of this paragraph, it does not qualify as a party
candidate listing.

Sec. 10. 21-A MRSA §1014, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1991, c. 839, §8,
is further amended to read:

1. Authorized by candidate. Whenever a person makes an
expenditure to finance a communication expressly advocating the
election or defeat of that names a clearly identified candidate
through broadcasting stations, newspapers, magazines, outdoor
advertising facilities, publicly accessible sites on the
Internet, direct mails or other similar types of general public
political advertising or through flyers, handbills, bumper
stickers and other nonperiodical publications, the communication,
if authorized by a candidate, a candidate's authorized political
committee or their agents, must clearly and conspicuously state
that the communication has been so authorized and must clearly
state the name and address of the person who made or financed the
expenditure for the communication. The following forms of
political communication do not require the name and address of
the person who made or authorized the expenditure for the
communication because the name or address would be so small as to
be illegible or infeasible: ashtrays, badges and badge holders,
balloons, campaign buttons, clothing, coasters, combs, emery
boards, envelopes, erasers, glasses, key rings, letter openers,
matchbooks, nail files, noisemakers, paper and plastic cups,
pencils, pens, plastic tableware, 12-inch or shorter rulers,
swizzle sticks, tickets to fund-raisers and similar items

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