LD 1505
pg. 12
Page 11 of 12 An Act To Amend the Sentencing Laws LD 1505 Title Page
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LR 2267
Item 1

regards. First, it includes a reference to the Class C crime of
operating after habitual offender revocation, pursuant to Title 29-
A, section 2557, as a crime for which, following conviction, the
person is eligible for a sentence alternative that includes a
period of administrative release. Second, it creates the new
sentencing alternative of a split sentence of imprisonment with
administrative release. Currently, only a wholly suspended term of
imprisonment could be accompanied by a period of administrative

15. Amends Title 17-A, section 1349-D to simplify the summons
process and the arrest warrant process for persons on
administrative release. To obtain the presence of a person who
was placed on administrative release at the hearing on the motion
to revoke administrative release filed by the State, both the
summons process and the arrest warrant process are available to
the State;

16. Amends Title 19-A, section 4002, subsection 4 to
expressly make the definition of "family and household members"
contained therein applicable to Title 17-A, sections 1201, 1202
and 1253;

17. Enacts Title 34-A, section 5402, subsection 3, paragraph
F, which empowers the Commissioner of Corrections to provide for
necessary assessment and supervision procedures and direct the
use of adult probation resources and staff to the management of
adult probationers with a high risk of offending; and

18. Amends Title 34-A, section 5404, subsection 3, paragraph
A relative to supervision of persons by probation and parole or
intensive supervision program officers by providing that the
purpose of supervision of each person placed under the officer's
supervision is to ensure that departmental resources are directed
to the management of persons with a high risk of reoffending.

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