LD 1518
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Increase Access to Justice in Maine's Court System Page 5 of 5
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LR 142
Item 1

I. Three members of the public who have expertise in, and
represent the interests of, Maine businesses, one of whom is
appointed by the President of the Senate and 2 of whom are
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

J. Three members of the public who represent the interest
of consumer litigants before the courts on issues,
including, but not limited to, environmental regulation,
consumer advocacy and access to justice for low-income and
indigent citizens, 2 of whom are appointed by the President
of the Senate and one of whom is appointed by the Speaker of
the House of Representatives.

2. Appointments; convening of steering committee. All
appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the
effective date of this Part. The appointing authorities shall
notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all
appointments have been completed. Within 15 days after
appointment of all members, the chair shall call and convene the
first meeting of the steering committee.

3. Duties; reporting. The steering committee shall:

A. Develop a plan to implement the Consumer and Commercial
Division pilot project beginning January 1, 2006 in
accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 4, section
122. As part of its duties, the steering committee shall
develop proposed rules governing the practice, procedure and
administration of the division. The steering committee
shall submit its proposed rules to the Supreme Judicial
Court for its consideration;

B. Develop methodologies for measuring outcomes for the
success of the Consumer and Commercial Division pilot
project. In January 2007 and January 2008, the steering
committee shall report to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters
on the progress of the pilot project and its measurable
outcomes; and

C. After January 1, 2006, study available methods of
increasing efficiency through implementation and usage of
technology by the courts and by litigants throughout the
state court system. The steering committee shall submit its
report on this issue to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters by
January 15, 2007.

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