LD 1523
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Create Lower-cost Health Insurance Options Page 3 of 3
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LR 2076
Item 1

2.__Medical savings accounts.__To the extent allowed by federal
and state law, an employer may establish health savings accounts
for its employees in conjunction with a catastrophic plan.

Sec. A-3. 24-A MRSA §4222-B, sub-§21 is enacted to read:

21. Section 2736-C, subsection 10; section 2808-B, subsection
10; and section 2808-C, relating to the health coverage plan,
apply to health maintenance organizations.


Sec. B-1. 5 MRSA §285, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1991, c. 780, Pt. Y,
§23, is further amended to read:

2. Coverage. Each state employee to whom this section
applies is eligible for a group health plan as provided in Title
24-A, sections 2802 to 2812, including major medical benefits or
through a self-funded alternative. Beginning January 1, 2006,
the State shall offer each state employee eligible for coverage
under this section alternative coverage under a health insurance
policy in conjunction with a health savings account in accordance
with federal law. The provisions of the group insurance policy
or policies or the self-funded alternative must be determined,
insofar as the provisions are not inconsistent with terms and
conditions contained in collective bargaining agreements
negotiated pursuant to Title 26, chapter 9-B, by the State
Employee Health Commission as provided in section 285-A. The
master policy for the group health plan must be held by the
Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services.


Part A requires health insurance carriers to offer a
catastrophic health plan as alternative coverage for each of its
group health coverage plans. The bill requires the
Superintendent of Insurance to define, by rule, the requirements
of the catastrophic plan. The bill also requires that employers
providing health insurance coverage to their employees offer
their employees the option of choosing the catastrophic plan. To
the extent allowed by federal and state law, the bill allows
carriers and employers to establish health savings accounts in
conjunction with the catastrophic plan.

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