LD 1526
pg. 100
Page 99 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 101 of 118
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Item 1

Sec. B-12. 19-A MRSA §1605, sub-§2, ¶J, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694,
Pt. B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

J. A statement that if the alleged father files a written
denial of paternity:

(1) The department will provide an expert examiner of
blood or tissue types to conduct blood or tissue-typing
tests on the mother, child and alleged father and the
tests will be conducted as follows.

(a) The alleged father is required to submit to
tests, which may include, but are not limited to,

tests of red cell antigens, red cell isoenzymes,
human leukocyte antigens and serum proteins.

(b) The department will pay the initial cost of
the tests.

(c) An indigent alleged father is not liable for
reimbursement of the cost of the tests;

(2) If the alleged father refuses to submit to tests
under subparagraph (1), the proceeding will be filed in
a court as a paternity proceeding;

(3) If the alleged father is not excluded by the test
results and he does not, within 15 days of the ordinary
mailing to him of a report and copy of the blood or
tissue-typing results, execute and deliver to the
department an acknowledgment of paternity of the child
in accordance with the laws of the state in which the
child was born, the proceeding will be filed in a court
as a paternity proceeding; and

(4) If the alleged father is excluded by the test
results as the biological father of the child, the
proceeding will be filed in a court as a paternity
proceeding for disposition under section 1561 1951,
subsection 1, paragraph A 4;

Sec. B-13. 19-A MRSA §1606, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt.
B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

1. Establish as father. Establish the alleged father as the
biological father of the child;

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