(1) The waiver of notice must indicate that the putative | father or legal father parent understands that the waiver of | notice operates as a consent to adoption or a surrender and | release for the purposes of adoption for any adoption of the | child, and that by signing the waiver of notice the putative | father or legal father parent voluntarily gives up any rights | to the named child. |
| (2) The waiver of notice may state that the putative father | or legal father parent neither admits nor denies paternity | parentage. |
| (3) The legal father shall attach to the waiver of notice | an affidavit stating that, although he is the legal father, | he is not the biological father. |
| | (d) If, after notice, the a putative father parent of the | child wishes to establish parental rights to the child, he the | putative parent must, within 20 days after notice has been given | or within a longer period of time as ordered by the judge, | petition the judge of probate to establish the putative parent's | parentage and to grant to him the putative parent parental | rights. The petition must include an allegation that the | putative father parent is in fact the biological father a parent | of the child. |
| | (e) Upon receipt of a petition under subsection (d), the | judge shall fix a date for a hearing to determine the putative | father's parent's parental rights to the child. |
| | (f) The court shall appoint an attorney who is not the | attorney for the putative father parent, the biological mother or | the potential transferee agency or a potential adoptive parent to | represent the child and to protect the child's interests. |
| | (g) Notice of the hearing must be given to the putative | father parent, the biological mother, the attorney for the child | and any other parties the judge determines appropriate. Notice | need not be given to a putative father parent or to a legal | father who is not the biological father and parent who has waived | his the right to notice as provided in subsection (c). |
| | (h) Upon order of the court, the department or licensed | child-placing agency shall furnish studies and reports relevant | to the proceedings. |
| | (i) If, after a hearing, the judge finds that the putative | father parent is the biological father a parent, that he the | putative parent is willing and able to protect the child from |