adoption, except those whose parental rights were terminated | through a proceeding pursuant to Title 22, section 4055, subsection | 1, paragraph B, subparagraph (2), and to all parties to the | adoption including the adoptive parents, an adoptee who is 14 years | of age or older and the agency involved in the adoption. |
| | Sec. D-17. 22 MRSA §4002, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 733, §18, | is amended to read: |
| | 7. Parent. "Parent" means a natural or adoptive parent, | unless parental rights have been terminated person whose parental | rights have not been terminated and who has established a parent- | child relationship with the child under Title 19-A, section 1841. |
| | Sec. D-18. 22 MRSA §4002, sub-§8-A is enacted to read: |
| | 8-A.__Putative parent.__"Putative parent" means a person who | alleges himself or herself to be, or is alleged to be, the | genetic or possible genetic parent of the child, but whose | parentage has not been determined.__"Putative parent" does not | include: |
| A.__A presumed parent as defined in Title 19-A, section | 1832, subsection 16; |
| B.__A person whose parental rights have been terminated or | declared not to exist; or |
| C.__A donor as defined in Title 19-A, section 1832, | subsection 8. |
| | Sec. D-19. 22 MRSA §4005, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1983, c. 783, §2, | is further amended to read: |
| | 2. Parents. Parents, putative parents and custodians are | entitled to legal counsel in child protection proceedings, except | a request for a preliminary protection order under section 4034 | or a petition for a medical treatment order under section 4071, | but including hearings on those orders. They may request the | court to appoint legal counsel for them. The court, if it finds | them indigent, shall appoint and pay the reasonable costs and | expenses of their legal counsel. |
| | Sec. D-20. 22 MRSA §4031, sub-§3, as corrected by RR 1999, c. 1, §29, | is amended to read: |
| | 3. Scope of authority. The court shall consider and act on | child protection petitions regardless of other decrees regarding | a child's care and custody. The requirements and provisions of |