| When a support order has not been established, the department |
may establish the responsible parent's current parental support |
obligation pursuant to chapter 63, establish the responsible |
parent's debt for past support, including medical expenses, and |
establish the responsible parent's obligation to maintain health |
insurance coverage for each dependent child or to pay a |
proportionate share of health insurance premiums. The department |
may proceed on its own behalf or on behalf of another state or |
another state's instrumentality, an individual or governmental |
applicant for services under section 2103 or a person entitled by |
federal law to support enforcement services as a former recipient |
of public assistance. The department acting on behalf of another |
state, another state's instrumentality or a person residing in |
another state constitutes good cause within the meaning of Title |
5, section 9057, subsection 5. Notwithstanding any other |
provision of law, a parental support obligation established under |
this section continues beyond the child's 18th birthday, if the |
child is attending secondary school as defined in Title 20-A, |
section 1, until the child graduates, withdraws, is expelled or |
attains 19 years of age, whichever occurs first. For purposes of |
this section, "debt for past support" includes a debt owed to the |
department under section 2301, subsection 1, paragraph A, a debt |
owed under section 2103 and a debt that accrues under sections |
1504 and 1554 1505. |