LD 1526
pg. 118
Page 117 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... LD 1526 Title Page
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LR 134
Item 1

The definition of "parent" is made consistent with the
definition of "parent-child relationship" in Title 19-A, section

This bill provides that an action to adjudicate de facto
parentage under Title 19-A, section 1845 is subject to the
mediation requirement prior to a contested hearing.

This bill adds the existence of more than 2 parents who are
obligated to provide support for a child as a criterion to
deviate from child support guidelines.


Part C amends the intestate succession provisions of the
Probate Code so that children will inherit from parents as
recognized in the Uniform Parentage Act and parents recognized by
the Uniform Parentage Act will inherit from their children.
Under the bill, Uniform Parentage Act parentage can be
established after death. The bill also recognizes inheritance
from and by de facto parents without displacing inheritance from
and by other recognized parents. This bill places a limit of 4
on the number of parents who can have an inheritance right from
any child or from whom any child can inherit. De facto parentage
can also be established after death.


Part D of the bill amends the adoption laws, guardianship laws
and child protection laws to be consistent with the Uniform
Parentage Act.


Part E makes cross-reference changes.

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