LD 1526
pg. 95
Page 94 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 96 of 118
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Item 1

(This is section 809 of the UPA.)

Source: USCACA §§ 5(b),10.

This section distinguishes between an unenforceable agreement
and a prohibited one. Given the widespread use of assisted
reproductive technologies in modern society, the Act attempts
only to regularize the parentage aspects of the science, not to
regulate the practice of assisted reproduction. If individuals
choose to ignore the protections afforded gestational agreements
by the Act, parentage questions will remain when a child is born
as a result of an nonvalidated gestational agreement. The Act
provides no legal assistance to the intended parents. The
gestational mother is denominated the mother irrespective of the
source of the eggs, and donors of either eggs or sperm are not
parents of the child. Notwithstanding the fact that the intended
parents in a nonvalidated agreement may not enforce that
agreement, subsection (c) provides that a court may hold the
intended parents to an obligation to support the resulting child
of the unenforceable agreement.

Under USCACA (1988), agreements that were not approved were
declared "void." Under the new UPA, a nonapproved agreement is
"unenforceable." The result may be virtually the same in some
instances. As under the prior Act, the gestational mother is the
mother of a child conceived through assisted reproduction if the
gestational agreement has not been judicially approved as
provided in this article. Her husband, if he is a party to such
agreement, is presumed to be the father. If the gestational
mother's husband is not a party to the agreement, or if she is
unmarried, paternity of the child will be left to existing law,
if any. If the mother decides to keep the child, the intended
parents have no recourse. If the parties agree that the intended
parents will raise the child, adoption is the only means through
which they may become the legal parents of the child will be
through adoption.



§1981.__Uniformity of application and construction

In applying and construing this chapter, consideration must be
given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect
to its subject matter among states that enact it.

§1982.__Effective date

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