| Under USCACA (1988), agreements that were not approved were |
declared "void." Under the new UPA, a nonapproved agreement is |
"unenforceable." The result may be virtually the same in some |
instances. As under the prior Act, the gestational mother is the |
mother of a child conceived through assisted reproduction if the |
gestational agreement has not been judicially approved as |
provided in this article. Her husband, if he is a party to such |
agreement, is presumed to be the father. If the gestational |
mother's husband is not a party to the agreement, or if she is |
unmarried, paternity of the child will be left to existing law, |
if any. If the mother decides to keep the child, the intended |
parents have no recourse. If the parties agree that the intended |
parents will raise the child, adoption is the only means through |
which they may become the legal parents of the child will be |
through adoption. |