LD 1532
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Modify Liability To Protect Maine Citizens from Lead Hazards That Har... LD 1532 Title Page
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LR 1233
Item 1

This bill establishes in statute the minimum blood lead levels
necessary to trigger the graduated department action. Notification
of the child's physician must be made with a test of 5 or more
micrograms per deciliter. Inspection of the dwelling is required
when the blood lead level is 15 or more micrograms per deciliter.

This bill requires the owner of real property to reimburse the
Department of Health and Human Services for inspection costs if
an environmental lead hazard exists on the inspected premises.

This bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services
to prepare a form that sellers of real property are required to
provide to purchasers, explaining the dangers of lead exposure.
The form is in addition to the form required under federal law.
It must include specific language about the potential
consequences of lead poisoning. The department must prepare a
similar form for landlords and lessors to provide to potential
tenants and lessees. This bill requires the property disclosure
statement when the property was built before 1978.

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