LD 1536
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act To Reduce Property Taxes by Reforming County Government Page 4 of 6
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LR 1756
Item 1

commissioners elected immediately following formation of the county
district.__Terms of those county district commissioners are
staggered as follows:

A.__The commissioner who receives the greatest number of
votes serves an initial term of 3 years;

B.__The commissioner with the next greatest number of votes
serves 2 years; and

C.__The commissioner with the 3rd greatest number of votes
serves one year.

§1963.__Combining services among counties in proposed

county district

Notwithstanding the approval requirements of section 1962,
subsection 2, in a proposed county district composed of more than
one county, a majority of the county commissioners of each county
in the proposed county district may authorize the combination of
services in that proposed county district.__The county
commissioners of the proposed county district shall determine the
basis of apportioning the costs of the combined services among
the counties in the proposed county district.

Sec. 2. Reduction of property taxes paid to county government. The county
district commissioners of a county district established pursuant
to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, chapter 19 may levy a
county district real estate transfer tax in addition to the real
estate transfer tax imposed pursuant to Title 36, section 4641-A.
The county district levy must exempt the first $200,000 of the
real estate sales price. All funds raised by the county district
transfer tax must be used for combined police or record-keeping
services provided on a county-districtwide basis.

Sec. 3. Termination of responsibility for county jails; 1% local sales tax. A county
district approved pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
30-A, chapter 19 may relinquish responsibility for county jails
to the State pursuant to this section. If a county district
relinquishes responsibility for county jails in that county
district, then the State shall impose an additional 1% sales and
use tax in that county district. The additional sales and use
tax must be collected and remitted in the same manner as the
sales and use tax imposed pursuant to Title 36, Part 3.

1. Commissioner-initiated termination of county jails and
imposition of sales and use tax. A majority of the county
district commissioners from a county district may vote to require

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