LD 1536
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Reduce Property Taxes by Reforming County Government Page 6 of 6
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LR 1756
Item 1

a new county district and require the State to assume full jail
services for this county district and authorize the State to raise
the sales and use tax in this district by 1% to provide for the
cost of the State's assuming the county district's jail services?"

Sec. 5. Efficiency fund grants to promote consolidation. If a county district
established pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A,
chapter 19 comprises more than one county and the county district
combines police or record-keeping services of the counties
contained in the county district, the State shall appropriate
$1,000,000 to that county district to aid in the transition to a
county district. The appropriation may be made over a 5-year

Sec. 6. Implementing legislation. Following the approval of the
formation or consolidation of counties into a county district
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, chapter 19,
the Legislature shall enact legislation necessary to implement
the purposes of this Act.


This bill establishes 8 county districts. The bill empowers
the commissioners of a county district to impose an additional
real estate transfer tax on the transfer of property contained in
that county district; the first $200,000 of the sales price is
exempt from the new tax. The revenue from the additional real
estate transfer tax must be used to pay for police and record-
keeping services for the county district.

The bill also allows a county district to transfer
responsibility for every county jail located in that county
district to the State by voting to pay an extra penny per dollar
on the sales and use tax for sales in that county district. The
revenue from the additional sales and use tax must be used to
defray the costs of the Department of Corrections.

The bill also provides an appropriation of $1,000,000, spread
out over as many as 5 years, to a district county that comprises
more than one county that combines the police and record-keeping
services of the counties located in that county district.

The 8 county districts created by the bill are: county
district 1, York County; county district 2, Cumberland County;
county district 3, Androscoggin County, Oxford County and
Franklin County; county district 4, Somerset County and Kennebec

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