LD 1545
pg. 5
Page 4 of 9 An Act To Establish a Cooperative Approach to Health Care Coverage Page 6 of 9
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LR 16
Item 1

§6912-A.__Enrollee Hardship Fund

Dirigo Health shall establish the Enrollee Hardship Fund to
provide financial assistance to eligible individuals for whom the
payment of the out-of-pocket maximum, including required
deductibles, copayments and coinsurance, is a hardship based on
income.__Dirigo Health shall adopt rules for income eligibility
of eligible individuals, the amount of the financial assistance
available and the application process for individuals.

Sec. A-19. 24-A MRSA §6913, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 469, Pt. A,
§8, is repealed.

Sec. A-20. 24-A MRSA §§6914 and 6915, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 469,
Pt. A, §8, are amended to read:

§6914. Intragovernmental transfer

Starting July 1, 2004, Dirigo Health shall transfer funds, as
necessary, to a special dedicated, nonlapsing revenue account
administered by the agency of State Government that administers
MaineCare for the purpose of providing a state match for federal
Medicaid dollars. Dirigo Health shall annually set the amount of
contribution. The transfer may not include money collected as a
savings payment offset pursuant to section 6913.

§6915. Dirigo Health Fund

The Dirigo Health Fund is created as to finance coverage under
Dirigo Health.__The fund is a dedicated fund for the deposit of
any funds advanced for initial operating expenses, payments made
by employers and individuals, any savings offset payments made
pursuant to section 6913 funds received from the State Tax
Assessor pursuant to Title 36, section 2831 and any funds
received from any public or private source. The fund may not
lapse, but must be carried forward to carry out the purposes of
this chapter. Expenditures from the fund are authorized for
payments to participating carriers for Dirigo Health Insurance,
payments for the administration of Dirigo Health and payments
from the Enrollee Hardship Fund created under section 6912-A.

Sec. A-21. 36 MRSA c. 370-A is enacted to read:



§2831.__Assessment on wages and earnings

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