LD 1546
pg. 14
Page 13 of 26 An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws Page 15 of 26
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LR 533
Item 1

if any, and other supporting documentation that the assessor may
require. whenever:

A.__The Code requires that a federal estate tax return be
filed; or

B.__The federal gross estate, increased by the amount of
adjusted taxable gifts made by the decedent after December
31, 1976 and by the aggregate amount of any specific gift
tax exemption under former Code, Section 2521 used by the
decedent after September 8, 1976 exceed the exclusion and
related unified credit amounts specified in section 4062,
subsection 1-A.

The return must be in the form prescribed by the State Tax
Assessor and it must be accompanied by a copy of the federal
estate tax return, if any, and by other supporting documentation
that the assessor may require.

3. No returned required. In all cases where there is no
Maine estate tax liability a Maine estate tax return is not
required to be filed, the personal representative, surviving
joint tenant of real estate or any other person whose real estate
might be subject to a lien for taxes pursuant to this chapter may
at any time file with the assessor in the form prescribed by the
assessor a statement of the value of the federal gross estate.

Sec. 41. 36 MRSA §4365, as amended by PL 2003, c. 705, §6, is
further amended to read:

§4365. Rate of tax

A tax is imposed on all cigarettes imported into this State or
held in this State by any person for sale at the rate of 47 50
mills for each cigarette. Payment of the tax is evidenced by the
affixing of stamps to the packages containing the cigarettes.

Sec. 42. 36 MRSA §4365-E, sub-§§1 to 3, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439,
Pt. SSSS, §2, are amended to read:

1. Stamped rate. Cigarettes stamped at the rate of 37 mills
per cigarette and held for resale after September 30, 2001 are
subject to tax at the rate of 47 50 mills per cigarette.

2. Liability. A person possessing cigarettes for resale is
liable for the difference between the tax rate of 47 50 mills per
cigarette and the tax rate of 37 mills per cigarette in effect
before October 1, 2001. Stamps indicating payment of the tax
imposed by this section must be affixed to all packages of
cigarettes held for resale as of October 1, 2001, except that

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