LD 1546
pg. 19
Page 18 of 26 An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws Page 20 of 26
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LR 533
Item 1

regulations prescribed rules adopted by the assessor, within
the period which that ends with the expiration of the 15th day
of the 40th month following the end of the taxable year of the
net operating loss or the unused credit which that resulted in
such the carry-back or the period prescribed in subsection 3
in respect of such that taxable year, whichever expires later
or, with.__With respect to any portion of a credit carry-back
from a taxable year that is attributable to a net operating
loss carry-back or a capital loss carry-back from a subsequent
taxable year, the period within which the claim may be made
shall be that period which ends with the expiration of the
15th day of the 40th month following the end of such the
subsequent taxable year or the period prescribed in subsection
3 in respect of such that taxable year, whichever expires

Sec. 55. 36 MRSA §6201, sub-§12, as amended by PL 2001, c. 396, §41,
is further amended to read:

12. Year for which relief is requested. "Year for which
relief is requested" means the calendar year preceding that in
which the claim is filed. For a claim filed during January to
May of any year, or during the extension period allowed under
section 6215, "year for which relief is requested" means the
calendar year 2 years preceding that in which the claim is filed.

Sec. 56. 36 MRSA §6210, as amended by PL 1997, c. 557, Pt. A, §4
and affected by Pt. G, §1, is further amended to read:

§6210. Administration

The State Tax Assessor shall make available suitable forms
with instructions for claimants. The claim shall must be in the
form prescribed by the State Tax Assessor may prescribe assessor
and shall must be signed by the claimant.

The State Tax Assessor assessor shall include a checkoff to
request an application for the Maine Residents Property Tax
Program on the individual income tax form. The assessor shall
also provide for the a paperless option of for filing an
application for the Maine Residents Property Tax Program using
the telefile system established by the assessor.

Sec. 57. 36 MRSA §6215, as amended by PL 1999, c. 708, §50, is
further amended to read:

§6215. Extension of time for filing claims

In case of sickness, absence or other disability, or if, in
the judgment of the State Tax Assessor, good cause exists, the

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