LD 1546
pg. 3
Page 2 of 26 An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws Page 4 of 26
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LR 533
Item 1

1. Impact of taxes on individuals. The bureau shall submit to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over taxation matters and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs a report containing the
information required by this subsection by July 1, 1999 and by
October January 1st of each even-numbered odd-numbered year

A. Part 1 of the report must describe the overall incidence
of all state, local and county taxes. The report must
present information on the distribution of the tax burden:

(1) For the overall income distribution, using a
measure of system-wide incidence that appropriately
measures equality and inequality;

(2) By income classes, including, at a minimum,
deciles of the income distribution; and

(3) By other appropriate taxpayer characteristics.

B. Part 2 of the report must describe the impact of the tax
system on business and industrial sectors. The report must:

(1) Describe the impact of taxes on major sectors of
the business and industrial economy relative to other
sectors; and

(2) Describe the relative impact of each tax on
business and industrial sectors.

C. When determining the overall incidence of taxes under
this subsection, the bureau shall reduce the amount of taxes
collected by the amount of taxes that are returned directly
to taxpayers through tax relief programs.

Sec. 9. 36 MRSA §707, sub-§2 is amended to read:

2. Property of veterans. The value of the real property of
veterans, their widows, widowers and minor children not taxed;

Sec. 10. 36 MRSA §841, sub-§4, as repealed and replaced by PL 1979,
c. 73, is amended to read:

4. Veteran's widow or widower or minor child.
Notwithstanding failure to comply with section 706 or section
1181, the assessors, on written application within one year from
the date of commitment, may make such abatement as they think
proper in the case of the unremarried widow or widower or the

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