LD 1548
pg. 5
Page 4 of 15 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning Registration of Engineers Page 6 of 15
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LR 650
Item 1

3. Hearings. Hearings may be conducted by the board to
assist with investigations, to determine whether grounds exist
for suspension, revocation or denial of a license, or as
otherwise considered necessary to the fulfillment of its
responsibilities under this chapter.

The board may not refuse to renew a license for any reason other
than failure to pay a required fee and failure to meet the
continuing education requirements, unless it has afforded the
licensee an opportunity for an adjudicatory hearing. The board
shall hold an adjudicatory hearing at the written request of any
person who is denied a license without a hearing for any reason
other than failure to pay a required fee, provided that the
request for hearing is received by the board within 30 days of
the applicant's receipt of written notice of the denial of the
application, the reasons for the denial and the right to request
a hearing. Hearings must be conducted in conformity with Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter IV 4 to the extent applicable. The board
may subpoena witnesses, records and documents in any hearing it

Sec. 17. 32 MRSA §1308, 2nd ¶, as corrected by RR 1993, c. 1, §82, is
amended to read:

Not later than August 1st of each year, the board shall submit
to the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation a
report of its transactions of the preceding fiscal year ending
June 30th and shall transmit to the commissioner a complete
statement of the receipts and expenditures of the board, attested
by affidavits of its chair and its secretary.

Sec. 18. 32 MRSA §1309, as amended by PL 1999, c. 186, §5, is
further amended to read:

§1309. Roster of licensed professional engineers

A roster showing the names of all active registered licensed
professional engineers and newly certified engineer-interns is
prepared by the board during the first calendar quarter of each
even-numbered year. A supplementary roster of newly registered
licensed professional engineers and newly certified engineer-
interns is prepared by the board during the first calendar
quarter of each odd-numbered year. The rosters must give the
place of business of each listed registered licensed professional
engineer. Copies of the roster and of the supplementary roster
are mailed provided to each active professional engineer listed
on the roster and furnished to the public upon request for such
fees as the board may authorize in its rules.

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