LD 1558
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act Concerning Storm Water Management LD 1558 Title Page
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LR 586
Item 1

adopted to implement these provisions would continue to be
routine technical rules.

2. This bill amends the laws governing storm water management
in the following ways.

A. It changes the permitting threshold in the storm water
management laws to one acre or more of disturbed area.

B. It removes language providing that storm water quality
standards only apply in the direct watersheds of water
bodies most at risk from development and in sensitive or
threatened geographic regions or watersheds.

C. It repeals an exemption for construction projects at
industrial facilities for which a federal storm water permit
application has been made or construction projects at
facilities for which storm water is regulated under an
existing federal discharge permit.

D. It changes the fee provisions in the storm water
management laws.

E. It authorizes the department to require a person owning
or operating a significant existing source of storm water to
implement a storm water management system.

F. It provides transition provisions.

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