LD 1560
pg. 4
Page 3 of 12 An Act To Transfer the Pest Control Compact from the Department of Conservation... Page 5 of 12
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gift, grant or services borrowed and the identity of the donor or

8.__Bylaws. The governing board shall adopt bylaws for the
conduct of the business of the insurance fund and has the power
to amend and rescind those bylaws. The governing board shall
publish its bylaws in convenient form and shall file a copy
thereof and a copy of any amendment thereto with the appropriate
agency or officer in each of the party states.

9.__Report. The governing board annually shall make to the
governor and legislature of each party state a report covering
the activities of the insurance fund for the preceding year. The
governing board may make additional reports it considers

10.__Other powers. In addition to the powers and duties
specifically authorized and imposed, the governing board may do
other things necessary and incidental to the conduct of its
affairs pursuant to this compact.

§2316. Compact and insurance fund administration -- Article V

1.__Administration. In each party state there is a compact
administrator who is selected and serves in such a manner as the
laws of the administrator's state provide and who shall:

A.__Assist in the coordination of activities pursuant to the
compact in the administrator's state; and

B.__Represent the administrator's state on the governing
board of the insurance fund.

2.__United States representatives. If the laws of the United
States specifically so provide, or if administrative provision is
made therefor within the Federal Government, the United States
may be represented on the governing board of the insurance fund
by up to 3 representatives. Any such representative or
representatives of the United States must be appointed and shall
serve in a manner provided by or pursuant to federal law, but no
such representative has a vote on the governing board or on the
executive committee.

3.__Meetings. The governing board shall meet at least once
each year for the purpose of determining policies and procedures
in the administration of the insurance fund and, consistent with
the compact, supervising and giving direction to the expenditure
of money from the insurance fund. Additional meetings of the
governing board must be held on call of the chair, the executive
committee or a majority of the membership of the governing board.

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