LD 1563
pg. 1
LD 1563 Title Page An Act To Amend the Revaluation Process by Municipalities LD 1563 Title Page
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LR 568
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §708, 2nd ¶ is enacted to read:

If the assessors or the chief assessor of a primary assessing
area conducts a revaluation of a portion of the municipality or
the primary assessing area, the assessors or chief assessor may
not conduct another revaluation of that portion of the
municipality or primary assessing area until all other portions
of the municipality or primary assessing area have been revalued.


This bill requires that if the municipal assessors or the
chief assessor of a primary assessing area revalue a portion of
the municipality or primary assessing area, they may not revalue
that portion again until the other portions of the municipality
or primary assessing area have been revalued.

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