LD 1569
pg. 4
Page 3 of 9 An Act To Abolish the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission Page 5 of 9
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LR 1966
Item 1

A. Any pond other than those specified in subsection 1,
paragraph B, 50% or more of the linear shoreline of which is
within Indian territory;

B. Any section of a river or stream both sides of which are
within Indian territory; and

C. Any section of a river or stream one side of which is
within Indian territory for a continuous length of 1/2 mile
or more.

In promulgating adopting such rules or regulations the commission
board shall consider and balance the need to preserve and protect
existing and future sport and commercial fisheries, the
historical non-Indian fishing interests, the needs or desires of
the tribes to establish fishery practices for the sustenance of
the tribes or to contribute to the economic independence of the
tribes, the traditional fishing techniques employed by and
ceremonial practices of Indians in Maine and the ecological
interrelationship between the fishery regulated by the commission
board and other fisheries throughout the State. Such regulation
may include without limitation provisions on the method, manner,
bag and size limits and season for fishing.

Said The rules or regulations shall be are equally applicable on
a nondiscriminatory basis to all persons regardless of whether
such person is a member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe or Penobscot
Nation. Rules and regulations promulgated adopted by the
commission board may include the imposition of fees and permits
or license requirements on users of such waters other than
members of the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation. In
adopting rules or regulations pursuant to this subsection, the
commission board shall comply with the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act.

In order to provide an orderly transition of regulatory
authority, all fishing laws and rules and regulations of the
State shall remain applicable to all waters specified in this
subsection until such time as the commission board certifies to
the commissioner that it has met and voted to adopt its own rules
and regulations in substitution for such laws and rules and
regulations of the State.

The legislative members of the board may not participate in the
adoption of rules under this subsection.

Sec. 9. 30 MRSA §6207, sub-§3-A, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 739, §12
and affected by §§13 and 14, is repealed.

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