LD 1582
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Protect Maine Citizens from Medical Negligence LD 1582 Title Page
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LR 1880
Item 1

practitioner's or health care provider's professional negligence or
intentional professional misconduct.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §3282-A, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Revocation; professional negligence.__The board shall
revoke the license of a licensee who has been found to have
committed professional negligence in at least 3 different
judgments under Title 24, chapter 21.


This bill protects patients in 4 ways.

First, it requires that a sentinel event report about a
particular patient be given to that patient or the patient's
representative within 5 days of the report's being submitted to
the Department of Health and Human Services.

Second, it authorizes punitive damages in certain medical
malpractice situations. Punitive damages are otherwise available
under Maine law only when actual malice is proved. This bill
allows an award of punitive damages against an employer who has
actual or constructive knowledge of prior professional
negligence or intentional professional misconduct and has not
taken reasonable measures to protect patients from that health
care practitioner's or health care provider's professional
negligence or intentional professional misconduct.

Third, this bill requires the Board of Licensure in Medicine
to revoke the license of a physician when the physician has at
least 3 adverse judgments for professional negligence.

Fourth, this bill revises the statute of limitations in
medical malpractice actions to institute a discovery rule, which
delays the running of the statute of limitations until the
medical malpractice is discovered or reasonably should have been

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