LD 1609
pg. 108
Page 107 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 109 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

all the partners. That is merely an expression of the general rule
that the partnership agreement may override the statutory default
rules and that the partnership agreement, like any contract, can be
amended at any time by unanimous consent.

UPA Section 31(1)(c) provides that a term partnership may be
wound up by the express will of all the partners whose
transferable interests have not been assigned or charged for a
partner's separate debts. That rule reflects the belief that the
remaining partners may find transferees very intrusive. This
provision has been deleted, however, because the liquidation is
easily accomplished under Section 801(2)(ii) by first expelling
the transferor partner under Section 601(4)(ii).

(iii) Section 801(2)(iii) is based on UPA Section 31(1)(a)
and provides for winding up a term partnership upon the
expiration of the term or the completion of the undertaking.

Subsection (2)(iii) must be read in conjunction with Section
406. Under Section 406(a), if the partners continue the business
after the expiration of the term or the completion of the
undertaking, the partnership will be treated as a partnership at
will. Moreover, if the partners continue the business without
any settlement or liquidation of the partnership, under Section
406(b) they are presumed to have agreed that the partnership will
continue, despite the lack of a formal agreement. The partners
may also agree to ratify all acts taken since the end of the
partnership's term.

6. Section 801(3) provides for dissolution upon the
occurrence of an event specified in the partnership agreement as
resulting in the winding up of the partnership business. The
partners may, however, agree to continue the business and to
ratify all acts taken since dissolution.

7. Section 801(4) continues the basic rule in UPA Section
31(3) and provides for dissolution if it is unlawful to continue
the business of the partnership, unless cured. The "all or
substantially all" proviso is intended to avoid dissolution for
insubstantial or innocent regulatory violations. If the
illegality is cured within 90 days after notice to the
partnership, it is effective retroactively for purposes of this
section. The requirement that an uncured illegal business be
wound up cannot be varied in the partnership agreement. See
Section 103(b)(8).

8. Section 801(5) provides for judicial dissolution on
application by a partner. It is based in part on UPA Section
32(1), and the language comes in part from RULPA Section 802. A
court may order a partnership dissolved upon a judicial

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