LD 1609
pg. 120
Page 119 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 121 of 148
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Item 1

both shielded and unshielded obligations and the partner required
contributions are used to first pay shielded partnership
obligations, the partners may be required to make further
contributions to satisfy the partnership unpaid unshielded
obligations. The proper resolution of this matter is left to
debtor-creditor law as well as the law governing the fiduciary
obligations of the partners. See Section 104(a).

RUPA eliminates the distinction in UPA Section 40(b) between
the liability owing to a partner in respect of capital and the
liability owing in respect of profits. Section 807(b) speaks
simply of the right of a partner to a liquidating distribution.
That implements the logic of RUPA Sections 401(a) and 502 under
which contributions to capital and shares in profits and losses
combine to determine the right to distributions. The partners
may, however, agree to share "operating" losses differently from
"capital" losses, thereby continuing the UPA distinction.

4. Subsection (c) continues the UPA Section 40(d) rule that
solvent partners share proportionately in the shortfall caused by
insolvent partners who fail to contribute their proportionate
share. The partnership may enforce a partner's obligation to
contribute. See Section 405(a). A partner is entitled to
recover from the other partners any contributions in excess of
that partner's share of the partnership's liabilities. See
Section 405(b)(iii).

5. Subsection (d) provides that, after settling the partners'
accounts, each partner must contribute, in the proportion in
which he shares losses, the amount necessary to satisfy
partnership obligations that were not known at the time of the
settlement. That continues the basic rule of UPA Section 40(d)
and underscores that the obligation to contribute exists
independently of the partnership's books of account. It
specifically covers the situation of a partnership liability that
was unknown when the partnership books were closed.

6. Under subsection (e), the estate of a deceased partner is
liable for the partner's obligation to contribute to partnership
losses. That continues the rule of UPA Section 40(g).

7. Subsection (f) provides that an assignee for the benefit
of creditors of the partnership or of a partner (or other court
appointed creditor representative) may enforce any partner's
obligation to contribute to the partnership. That continues the
rules of UPA Sections 36(4) and 40(e).



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