LD 1609
pg. 136
Page 135 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 137 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

4.__Statutes in derogation of common law.__Rules that statutes
in derogation of the common law are to be strictly construed do
not apply to this chapter.

5.__Obligations of contract.__Neither this chapter nor any
amendment of this chapter may be construed to impair the
obligations of any contract existing when this chapter or
amendment goes into effect.


(Subsection 1 is section 1207 of the Uniform Partnership Act

This section continues the prior law after the effective date
of the Act with respect to a pending action or proceeding or a
right accrued at the time of the effective date. Since courts
generally apply the law that exists at the time an action is
commenced, in many circumstances the new law of this Act would
displace the old law, but for this section.

Almost all States have general savings statutes, usually as
part of their statutory construction acts. These are often very
broad. Compare Uniform Statute and Rule Construction Act § 16(a)
(narrow savings clause). As RUPA is remedial, the more limited
savings provisions in Section 1207 are more appropriate than the
broad savings provisions of the usual general savings clause.
See generally, Comment to Uniform Statute and Rule Construction
Act § 16.

Pending "action" refers to a judicial proceeding, while
"proceeding" is broader and includes administrative proceedings.
Although it is not always clear whether a right has "accrued,"
the term generally means that a cause of action has matured and
is ripe for legal redress. See, e.g., Estate of Hoover v. Iowa
Dept. of Social Services, 299 Iowa 702, 251 N.W.2d 529 (1977);
Nielsen v. State of Wisconsin, 258 Wis. 1110, 141 N.W.2d 194
(1966). An inchoate right is not enough, and thus, for example,
there is no accrued right under a contract until it is breached.


Sec. B-1. 31 MRSA §811, first ¶, as corrected by RR 2001, c. 2, Pt. C,
§5 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

A limited liability partnership may be registered under this
Act for any lawful purpose. A professional limited liability
partnership, as defined in Title 13, section 282 723, subsection
5-A 6, is subject to the Maine Professional Service Corporation
Act except as follows.

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