LD 1609
pg. 140
Page 139 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 141 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

partnership as a foreign limited liability partnership or shall
revoke the status of that partnership as a registered limited
liability partnership. The Secretary of State shall use the
procedures set forth in section 808-B to revoke the status of a
registered limited liability partnership and the procedures set
forth in section 859-B to revoke the status authority to do
business of a partnership as a foreign limited liability
partnership in this State. A foreign limited liability partnership
whose limited liability partnership status authority to do business
has been revoked under section 859-B that wishes to do business
again as a limited liability partnership in this State must follow
the procedures set forth in section 859-D to reinstate requalify by
applying for authority under this subchapter. A partnership whose
status as a registered limited liability partnership has been
revoked under section 808-B must follow the requirements set forth
in section 808-C to reinstate.

Sec. B-14. Savings clause. This Part does not affect an action or
proceeding commenced or a right accrued before this Act takes

Sec. B-15. Effective date. This Part takes effect July 1, 2006.


This bill repeals the existing Uniform Partnership Act and
enacts the Revised Uniform Partnership Act of 1997 (RUPA) as the
new Uniform Partnership Act. It makes the following changes in
Maine partnership law.

Under current law concerning the agency authority of partners,
every partner has apparent authority to carry on the business of
the partnership. This bill continues that concept except that
the apparent authority includes acts for carrying on in the
ordinary course business of the kind carried on by the
partnership, not just the business of the particular partnership
in question. Current law provides that the partnership is bound
for the acts of a partner within the apparent authority unless
the partner has no actual authority and the person with whom the
partner is dealing has knowledge that the partner has no actual
authority. This bill is the same as current law except that
RUPA provides that a person who has received a notification of a
partner's lack of authority is also bound. RUPA specifies the
meaning of "receives a notification".

Under current law concerning partnership recovery of property
wrongfully conveyed, the partnership may recover the property
unless the partner binds the partnership as provided in current
law or the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee is a

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