LD 1609
pg. 56
Page 55 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 57 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

11.__Obligations to other persons.__This section does not
affect the obligations of a partnership to other persons under
section 1031.


(This is Section 401 of the Uniform Partnership Act (1997).)

1. Section 401 is drawn substantially from UPA Section 18.
It establishes many of the default rules that govern the
relations among partners. All of these rules are, however,
subject to contrary agreement of the partners as provided in
Section 103.

2. Subsection (a) provides that each partner is deemed to
have an account that is credited with the partner's contributions
and share of the partnership profits and charged with
distributions to the partner and the partner's share of
partnership losses. In the absence of another system of
partnership accounts, these rules establish a rudimentary system
of accounts for the partnership. The rules regarding the
settlement of the partners' accounts upon the dissolution and
winding up of the partnership business are found in Section 807.

3. Subsection (b) establishes the default rules for the
sharing of partnership profits and losses. The UPA Section 18(a)
rules that profits are shared equally and that losses, whether
capital or operating, are shared in proportion to each partner's
share of the profits are continued. Thus, under the default
rule, partners share profits per capita and not in proportion to
capital contribution as do corporate shareholders or partners in
limited partnerships. Compare RULPA Section 504. With respect
to losses, the qualifying phrase, "whether capital or operating,"
has been deleted as inconsistent with contemporary partnership
accounting practice and terminology; no substantive change is

If partners agree to share profits other than equally, losses
will be shared similarly to profits, absent agreement to do
otherwise. That rule, carried over from the UPA, is predicated
on the assumption that partners would likely agree to share
losses on the same basis as profits, but may fail to say so. Of
course, by agreement, they may share losses on a different basis
from profits.

The default rules apply, as does UPA Section 18(a), where one
or more of the partners contribute no capital, although there is
case law to the contrary. See, e.g., Kovacik v. Reed, 49 Cal. 2d
166, 315 P.2d 314 (1957); Becker v. Killarney, 177 Ill. App. 3d
793, 523 N.E.2d 467 (1988). It may seem unfair that the

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