LD 1609
pg. 64
Page 63 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 65 of 148
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the partner are the same as those of a person who is not a partner,
subject to other applicable law.

7.__Personal or legal representative.__This section applies to
a person winding up the partnership business as the personal or
legal representative of the last surviving partner as if the
person were a partner.


(This is Section 404 of the Uniform Partnership Act (1997).)

1. Section 404 is new. The title, "General Standards of
Partner's Conduct," is drawn from RMBCA Section 8.30. Section
404 is both comprehensive and exclusive. In that regard, it is
structurally different from the UPA which touches only sparingly
on a partner's duty of loyalty and leaves any further development
of the fiduciary duties of partners to the common law of agency.
Compare UPA Sections 4(3) and 21.

Section 404 begins by stating that the only fiduciary duties a
partner owes to the partnership and the other partners are the
duties of loyalty and care set forth in subsections (b) and (c)
of the Act. Those duties may not be waived or eliminated in the
partnership agreement, but the agreement may identify activities
and determine standards for measuring performance of the duties,
if not manifestly unreasonable. See Sections 103(b)(3)(5).

Section 404 continues the term "fiduciary" from UPA Section
21, which is entitled "Partner Accountable as a Fiduciary."
Arguably, the term "fiduciary" is inappropriate when used to
describe the duties of a partner because a partner may
legitimately pursue self-interest (see Section 404(e)) and not
solely the interest of the partnership and the other partners, as
must a true trustee. Nevertheless, partners have long been
characterized as fiduciaries. See, e.g., Meinhard v. Salmon, 249
N.Y. 458, 463, 164 N.E. 545, 546 (1928) (Cardozo, J.). Indeed,
the law of partnership reflects the broader law of principal and
agent, under which every agent is a fiduciary. See Restatement
(Second) of Agency § 13 (1957).

2. Section 404(b) provides three specific rules that comprise
a partner's duty of loyalty. Those rules are exclusive and
encompass the entire duty of loyalty.

Subsection (b)(l) is based on UPA Section 21(1) and continues
the rule that partnership property usurped by a partner,
including the misappropriation of a partnership opportunity, is
held in trust for the partnership. The express

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