LD 1609
pg. 71
Page 70 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 72 of 148
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Item 1

against partners who negligently caused fire that damaged
partnership property).

3. Generally, partners may limit or contract away their
Section 405 remedies. They may not, however, eliminate entirely
the remedies for breach of those duties that are mandatory under
Section 103(b). See Comment 1 to Section 103.

4. Section 405(c) replaces UPA Section 43 and provides that
other (i.e., non-partnership) law governs the accrual of a cause
of action for which subsection (b) provides a remedy. The
statute of limitations on such claims is also governed by other
law, and claims barred by a statute of limitations are not
revived by reason of the partner's right to an accounting upon
dissolution, as they were under the UPA. The effect of those
rules is to compel partners to litigate their claims during the
life of the partnership or risk losing them. Because an
accounting is an equitable proceeding, it may also be barred by
laches where there is an undue delay in bringing the action.
Under general law, the limitations periods may be tolled by a
partner's fraud.

5. UPA Section 39 grants ancillary remedies to a person who
rescinds his participation in a partnership because it was
fraudulently induced, including the right to a lien on surplus
partnership property for the amount of that person's interest in
the partnership. RUPA has no counterpart provision to UPA Section
39, and leaves it to the general law of rescission to determine
the rights of a person fraudulently induced to invest in a
partnership. See Section 104(a).

§1046.__Continuation of partnership beyond definite term or

particular undertaking

1.__Rights and duties as at expiration or completion.__If a
partnership for a definite term or particular undertaking is
continued, without an express agreement, after the expiration of
the term or completion of the undertaking, the rights and duties
of the partners remain the same as they were at the expiration or
completion, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will.

2.__Presumption of agreement to continue.__If the partners, or
those of them who habitually acted in the business during the
term or undertaking, continue the business without any settlement
or liquidation of the partnership, they are presumed to have
agreed that the__partnership will continue.


(This is Section 406 of the Uniform Partnership Act (1997).)

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