LD 1622
pg. 26
Page 25 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 27 of 37
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Item 1

the project location is a natural cranberry bog and provisions
of paragraph D are met. For purposes of this paragraph,
"natural cranberry bog" means an area with indigenous large
cranberries, Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait., comprising more than
50% of the cover in the herbaceous layer; and "cover in the
herbaceous layer" means all herbaceous or woody vegetation
less than 10 inches in height.

Sec. 88. PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. FFF, §1, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 507,
Pt. A, §1 and affected by §3 and amended by c. 673, Pt. K, §2, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

1.__The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services,
referred to in this section as "the commissioner," and any
insurance company or 3rd-party administrator, referred to in this
section as "the carrier," insuring or administering the state
employee health plan, referred to in this section as "the plan,"
shall jointly negotiate agreements with hospitals participating
in the carrier's provider network to reduce the expense incurred
by the plan in state fiscal year 2003-04 by the amount of at
least $18,020,851.__In undertaking such negotiations the carrier
must be deemed at all times to be the agent of the State.__The
commissioner and the carrier acting at the direction of the
commissioner may offer or negotiate such terms and conditions as
the commissioner considers to be in the best interest of the
State to reduce the expense of the state employee health plan,
including, but not limited to, offering or negotiating reductions
in standard hospital reimbursement rates, rebates and refunds and
uniform terms relating to such reductions, rebates or refunds.__
The commissioner may not affect or seek to affect amounts paid to
hospitals relating to any other customer of the carrier.

Sec. 89. PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. B, §26 is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

*Sec. B-26. 14 MRSA §3142, sub-§1, śC, as amended by PL 2001, c. 471,
Pt. A, §20, is further amended to read:

C. The suspension of any license, certification,
registration, permit, approval or other similar document
evidencing the granting of authority to hunt, fish or trap
or to engage in a profession, occupation, business or
industry, not including a registration, permit, approval or
similar document evidencing the granting of authority to
engage in the business of banking pursuant to Title 9-B.
Licenses and registration subject to suspension include, but
are not limited to:

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