LD 1622
pg. 32
Page 31 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 33 of 37
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work with the Commissioner of Behavioral and Developmental
Services. Section 42 repeals that requirement.

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 6 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Department of Human
Services" and "Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Department of Health and Human Services." Title
22, section 6-C contains numerous references to both departments
and requires joint direction by the Commissioner of Human
Services and the Commissioner of Behavioral and Developmental
Services. Section 43 repeals and replaces section 6-C to make
the changes required by the revision clause and to ensure that
the section makes sense.

Section 44 corrects a conflict created by Public Law 2003,
chapters 510 and 611, which both amended the same provision of
law, by repealing the provision of law and replacing it with the
chapter 611 version.

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 6 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Department of Human
Services" and "Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Department of Health and Human Services." Title
22, section 3472 defines "department" as the Department of Human
Services or the Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services and "commissioner" as the commissioners of those
departments, depending on specified circumstances. Section 45
eliminates redundancy that would result from implementing the
revision clause by eliminating the reference to the Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services, and section 46 repeals the
definition of "department" since it is defined for Title 22 as
the Department of Health and Human Services.

Section 47 resolves a conflict created by Public Law 1997,
chapter 284, which enacted new language within Title 22, chapter
1053, and Public Law 1997, chapter 530, which repealed Title 22,
chapter 1053 and enacted chapter 1053-B. Section 47 resolves the
conflict by reallocating Title 22, section 3741-M to section
3769-D under new chapter 1053-B, which governs temporary
assistance for needy families.

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 6 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Department of Human
Services" and "Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Department of Health and Human Services." Title
22, section 3762, subsection 2, paragraph C requires the
Department of Human Services to collaborate with the Department
of Behavioral and Developmental Services. Section 48 repeals
that paragraph to eliminate the redundancy created by the
revision clause.

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