LD 1622
pg. 35
Page 34 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 36 of 37
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Section 67 corrects a conflict created by Public Law 2003,
chapters 631 and 673, which affected the same provision of law.
Section 67 repeals the provision and replaces it with the chapter
673 version with minor revisions. Section 68 provides for a
retroactive effective date of January 1, 2005, the effective date
of the fee increase made by chapter 673.

Section 69 corrects a cross-reference. The Maine Sunset Act
was repealed in 1989; in 1995 the State Government Evaluation Act
was enacted to provide a systematic review of agencies of State
Government. Section 69 changes the reference from the "Maine
Sunset Act" to the statutory cross-reference for the State
Government Evaluation Act.

Section 70 deletes language that makes reference to a
provision of law that was repealed by Public Law 2003, chapter
706, Part B, section 5.

Section 71 removes cross-references to provisions of law that
were repealed by Public Law 2003, chapter 711, Part B, section 1.
Section 72 removes a cross-reference to the provision of law that
was repealed in section 71.

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 7 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Commissioner of Human
Services" and "Commissioner of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Commissioner of Health and Human Services." Title
34-B, section 1201-A requires the Commissioner of Behavioral and
Developmental Services to coordinate regional service delivery
with the Commissioner of Human Services. Section 73 repeals that

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 6 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Department of Human
Services" and "Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Department of Health and Human Services." Title
34-B, section 1205, subsection 1 requires the Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services, Office of Advocacy to
investigate with the Department of Human Services allegations of
adult and child abuse in state institutions. Section 74 repeals
that reference to the Department of Human Services to eliminate
the redundancy created by the revision clause.

Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section 6 directs the
Revisor of Statutes to replace both "Department of Human
Services" and "Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services" with "Department of Health and Human Services." Title
34-B, section 1205, subsection 3, paragraph G requires the
Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services, Office of

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