LD 1622
pg. 5
Page 4 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 6 of 37
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Item 1

D. Operating an ATV to endanger, as prohibited under section
13157 13157-A, subsection 11;

E. Reckless operation of an ATV, as prohibited under section
13157 13157-A, subsection 10;

F. Operating an ATV on the land of another without
permission, as prohibited under section 13157 13157-A,
subsection 1-A 1; or

G. Failure or refusal to stop an ATV or attempting to elude
an officer, as prohibited under section 10651, subsection 1,
paragraphs D and E.

The commissioner shall reinstate licenses, permits and
registrations that have been suspended pursuant to this
subsection only if the person satisfactorily completes, in
accordance with procedures established by the commissioner by
rule, a training program approved by the department relating to
safety and ethics in the operation of ATVs. The costs of this
training program are borne by the person undertaking the
training. The commissioner shall establish by rule the
procedures for completion of mandatory training pursuant to this
subsection. A person who satisfactorily completes a training
program approved by the department pursuant to this subsection is
deemed to have satisfied the outdoor ethics training course
requirements established under section 10903. Rules adopted
pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 15. 12 MRSA §12506, sub-§5, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9
and repealed and replaced by c. 655, Pt. B, §253 and affected by
§422, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

5.__Exception to permit requirement.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1:

A.__A person may fish for alewives by use of a dip net or
single hook and line for consumption by that person or
members of that person's family, provided that the person
takes or possesses no more than one bushel in any day and
provided also that the alewives are not taken from any
waters in which a municipality or other person has been
granted exclusive rights under section 6131;

C.__A person may fish for or possess alewives from inland
waters if that person has been granted fishing rights under
section 6131; and

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