LD 1640
pg. 7
Page 6 of 15 An Act To Permit Charter Schools in Maine Page 8 of 15
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LR 136
Item 1

5.__Admission.__A charter school shall admit students as provided
in section 2414.

6.__Accountability.__A charter school is accountable to its
chartering authority for its performance as provided in the
charter agreement pursuant to section 2416.__Charter schools must
work to achieve the goals of the system of learning results
established in section 6209 and administer state assessments or
equivalent assessments required of public schools as part of
state academic standards.__These assessments must be commensurate
with the charter school's mission and objectives.

7.__Tuition.__A charter school may not charge tuition or fees
beyond those allowed in a regular public kindergarten to grade 12
program, except that a charter school offering a residential
component may charge a fee for room and board and, if a fee is
charged, shall offer assistance to families needing scholarships
for room and board fees.

8.__State and local requirements.__A charter school shall meet
all applicable state and local health, safety and civil rights

9.__No discrimination.__A charter school may not discriminate
on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, sex,
income level, proficiency in the English language or physical

10.__Finances.__A charter school's board of trustees, not the
director or chief financial officer of the charter school, shall
contract for an annual financial audit by a certified public
accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles.__The audit must examine the validity and integrity of
data reported to the State for revenue purposes, including the
enrollment and internal controls of the charter school.

11.__Conflicts of interest.__Charter school boards of trustees
are governed by this subsection.

A.__A member of a charter school board of trustees may not
serve as a member of the board of directors or as an
employee or agent of or a contractor with a for-profit
entity with whom the charter school contracts, directly or
indirectly, for professional services, goods or facilities.

B.__A member of a charter school board of trustees that serves as
a member of a board of trustees or an employee or agent of or a
contractor with a nonprofit entity with whom

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