LD 1646
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Page 2 of 5 An Act Regarding Buildings on Leased Lots Page 4 of 5
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LR 2269
Item 1

If a lessee does not elect to purchase the leased premises,
the lease must continue with the same terms, other than annual
rental fees, for no less than 50 years with the annual rental fee
being not more than 5% of the fair market value of the leased
premises, excluding improvements.__The lessor may not impose any
additional fees and the lessor may not amend any lease in effect
prior to January 1, 2005 without the consent of the lessee.

A lessor who violates this section does not qualify for the
Maine Tree Growth Tax Law for the municipality in which the
leasehold is located.

All conveyances of real estate by the lessor must be made
subject to all leases in effect at the time of conveyance.

All lessors and their successors in interest shall honor all
leases in effect at the time of any conveyance.

Sec. 6. 14 MRSA §§6050-A to 6050-F are enacted to read:

§6050-A.__Capital gains taxation

For real estate sold pursuant to this chapter prior to
December 31, 2007, the grantor does not incur capital gains tax
under the laws of this State if the real estate is sold for its
fair market value as defined in section 6050.


The sale of real estate pursuant to this chapter is exempt
from the subdivision laws in Title 30-A, sections 4401 to 4406.

§6050-C.__Maine Land Use Regulation Commission

The sale of real estate pursuant to this chapter is exempt
from the laws relating to the Maine Land Use Regulation
Commission, Title 12, chapter 206-A, subchapter 2 and the rules
of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission as they relate to the
conveyance of real estate in the unorganized territory, except
for subsurface waste disposal issues.__These laws and rules apply
to this real estate following its conveyance.


All real estate conveyed pursuant to this chapter has a
perpetual easement by necessity from a State-maintained highway,
no less than 16.5 feet in width or its current width, whichever
is greater.

§6050-E.__Binding arbitration

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