LD 1661
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act To Streamline Higher Education in Maine LD 1661 Title Page
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LR 407
Item 1

convening and conducting the work of the advisory working groups.
The advisory working groups shall review the issues identified in
this Part. The advisory working groups must include broad
representation from trustees, faculty members, administrators,
campus personnel, students, alumni, community officials and members
of the public.

Sec. B-5. Budget. The Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of the Budget shall work with the Chancellor of
the University of Maine System, the President of the Maine
Community College System and the President of the Maine Maritime
Academy, together with the chairs of their respective governing
boards, with regard to the duties transferred to the Board of
Regents of Higher Education as the central policy-making
authority for the state system of public higher education as set
forth in this Act in order to develop recommendations for a
proposed operating budget for the Board of Regents of Higher
Education that must be provided through funds appropriated by the


This bill establishes a centralized system of governance and
coordination for public higher education and reorganizes the
system for public higher education in Maine by creating the Board
of Regents of Higher Education, which is established as the
central policy-making authority for public higher education in
the State. The bill further establishes a coordinating council
and an advisory committee to assist the board of regents in
fulfilling its policy-making role of coordinating the programs
and resources of the University of Maine System and its
universities, the Maine Community College System and its colleges
and the Maine Maritime Academy. The bill also establishes
transition provisions to review and propose legislative revisions
to the charters and relevant statutes of the University of Maine
System, the Maine Community College System and the Maine Maritime
Academy to align the governance structures of these entities with
the board of regents as the central policy-making authority for
the state system of higher education. The bill further directs
the Chancellor of the University of Maine System, the President
of the Maine Community College System and the President of the
Maine Maritime Academy, and the respective chairs of their boards
of trustees, to work with the Joint Standing Committee on
Education and Cultural Affairs to address a number of transition
provisions. Finally, the bill establishes July 1, 2007 as the
effective date for implementing these governance and coordination

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