LD 1662
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Amend the Law Governing the Department of Transportation's Contractin... LD 1662 Title Page
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LR 352
Item 1

may construct, demolish or maintain transportation infrastructure
by day labor without advertising for bids and may, with the
approval of the Governor, award contracts for the construction,
demolition or maintenance of transportation infrastructure without
advertising for bids if doing so is in the best interest of the

The department has the full power to prequalify bidders for
construction, demolition and maintenance projects based on
factors contained in the department's written prequalification
procedures.__The commissioner may designate projects requiring
project-specific prequalification standards and procedures for

The department may adopt its own standard contract
specifications.__The department's standard specifications must be
used in lieu of federally mandated contract clauses.


This bill clarifies the Department of Transportation's
authority to procure and let contracts for transportation-related
services and contracts for construction and maintenance. It
clarifies that the department may let contracts relating to all
modes of transportation and confirms that the department may
purchase supplies, materials and equipment necessary for project-
specific maintenance activities. This bill also confirms that
the department may maintain qualifications and performance data
for consultants and may prequalify bidders.

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